Early Oak Reproductions - British handmade furniture.


Buy with confidence. Trading standards approved

"Thank you very much for the dresser, it is beautifully made & perfectly finished .....the colour is an excellent match" Ruth, Kent


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Early Oak Reproductions is now Responsive!

Responsive Early Oak Reproductions website

After months of hard work, the back-end of our website has been completely re-built. To those of you who are familiar with our site, you'll see we've kept the overall design and layout pretty much the same. As we get so much positive feedback about ease of navigation etc., we saw no reason to change anything. 

However, amongst other new features added, the one major improvement is that Early Oak Reproductions can now be seen at its best, whether you're viewing on a 30" screen, tablet, or smart phone (as shown here). All the functions remain, but they are rearranged according to screen size, so you only need to scroll down and not side-to-side as well. That's responsive!

Just one more example, of how we strive to make your buying process, both enjoyable and effortless.


All our prices include VAT and free mainland England delivery.   Details here of our UK and overseas delivery service

Easy to place your order and pay...

You can simply place your order here on our website by using our intuitive selection boxes (on any of our product pages) and then continue through to your basket page (you'll need to register with us first - see 'Login/Register'). You can email or phone us to pay for your order, or visit us personally at our showroom. Click here for contact details.  We accept BACS transfer, cheque, credit card or debit card payments.

However you want to order, we've made it both straightforward and safe (see our accreditation's below).

Safe shopping - online & offline:

safe online shopping starts with shopsafe Buy with confidence. Trading standards approved Secure shopping Mastercard, Visa, Visa Debit, Maestro


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